How to Write Prep Cook Resume + Examples

“Need a restaurant prep cook”, “Need a Coffee Prep Cook” — such announcements are found every day. However, the profession has long left the list of outsiders, as the number of catering teachers is growing every day as people love to eat deliciously.
And with the release of the culinary show, people want to take a step forward and cook more professionally or even become the one. A prep cook resume example will help you if you decide to learn and try the prep cook profession. Although great cookers are in huge demand, recruiters are in no hurry to hire the junior who comes to the department first. Choices are elastic competition between restaurants. Everyone wants to hire the top best specialist.
Follow the link to find the best resume writing services reviews that will make sure your resume never gets in the pile of unwanted ones. Look at [creative resume examples] or order a resume writing service; it’s up to you! Just don’t miss the chance to get the job you deserve
You were claiming the same interest – a claim to an empty prestigious place. But to land a dream job, firstly, you need an application-specific resume correctly. It is a start to take a job for granted and be wanted in a luxury place to work. Be the best, and you’ll meet only the best.
Let’s take a look on how to craft an application-specific prep cook resume. You’ll walkthrough:
- Prep Cook Resume Example
- Responsibilities to Put on Prep Cook Resume Example
- Prep Cook Resume Achievements
- Personal qualities for Prep Cook.
Prep Cook Resume Example
David Jobs
Phone: +1 (245) 123-45-67
City: Nebraska
Date of birth: December 27, 1988
Employment: full time
Work Schedule: Full day
Target: Prep Cook
Key skills:
Cooking Italian, French, Spanish cuisine.
Banquets for up to 100 people.
Knowledge of SanPiN requirements.
Work experience
March 2011 – Present
Chef – LLC “Pearl of the Mediterranean”
Mediterranean restaurant chain
Job responsibilities:
- to Prepare of hot and cold dishes.
- to service of various events, catering.
Trainee training.
Purchase of products.
Professional achievements:
- Grand Prix in the competition “The best Prep Cook in New York.”
- Twenty events for 150 people.
- Twenty-five reviews with gratitude for quality service in the guest book.
September 2006 – June 2011
New York State Cook College
Faculty: Biotechnology and Agronomy
Specialty: Production and processing of livestock products Technology
Full-time form of education
Courses and training
October 2020 — November 2020
Preparing and serving seafood
Venue: Academy of Chefs
Additional Information
Driver’s license:
Category B
Foreign languages:
Spanish and Italian fluent
About myself:
I’m an experienced Prep Cook with over ten years of experience.
Responsibilities to Put on Prep Cook Resume Example
This resume section describes responsibilities in a particular position. There are duties that are assigned to the employee by the management of the catering establishment, the kitchen. These responsibilities can be seen in the job description given to the employee. But when compiling a resume, you need to take into account that the tasks of a catering worker in a hotel, restaurant, kindergarten are different.
Job Responsibilities Examples for the Prep Cook
- Cooking – blanching, mixing, frying, boiling (including steaming), baking.
- Preparation of soups, broths, sauces, side dishes, cold appetizers.
- Decoration of dishes, development of presentations.
- Formation and planning of the menu.
- Analysis of customer requirements for the quality of dishes products.
- Control over cleaning, disinfection, sanitation.
- Maintaining the cleanliness of kitchen staff.
- Investigation of customer complaints and complaints about service.
- Preparing proposals to improve recipes and service.
- Control over the quality and shelf life of the supplied products.
- Control over the conditions and terms of storage of products.
- Purchase of products inventory.
And here are examples of the duties of a cook in kindergarten school:
- Participation in the preparation of the daily menu.
- Receiving food from the storekeeper.
- The release of prepared food at the rate per child.
- Ensuring the proper condition of the kitchen, utensils, kitchen utensils.
Key chef skills on a resume
Key skills are the knowledge and skills that the candidate has acquired during their studies and work experience. The section gives the employer an idea of what the job seeker knows and can do. Having studied this information, the recruiter proceeds to further familiarization with the resume. If there is a lot of experience, and it is unclear what to talk about, you can take the job description as a basis and enter the positions that suit the candidate.
A Prep Cook Resume Skills:
- Menu compilation.
- Knowledge of the technology of cooking, drinks (write what kind of cuisine).
- Possession of the principles of pricing and calculation of the cost of dishes.
- Kitchen planning.
- The ability to serve food well.
- Knowledge of the taste of food.
- Work with new kitchen equipment.
In the resume, the cook, who is registered in a nursery, kindergarten, school, indicates the following knowledge and skills:
- Fundamentals and values of nutrition for children of different ages.
- Knowledge of the characteristics the nutritional value of food.
- Ability to identify substandard products, including using organoleptic methods.
- Requirements for processing products for children’s cuisine, including frying, boiling, baking.
- Calculation of the volume of dishes by age category.
- Product Substitution Rules.
- Measures to prevent food poisoning.
- Knowledge of the requirements for the distribution of food to children.
Prep Cook Resume Personal Qualities
In this section, the applicant completes his portrait and describes the character traits non-professional skills that help him fulfill the duties. This attitude to work, other people, career goals. For example, personal qualities in a chef’s resume might be:
- Scent and tactile sensitivity.
- Good taste and color perception.
- Fantasy, creativity.
- The ability to visually recognize even small deviations from the cooking technology.
- Good coordination of the movement of the right and left hands, excellent fine motor skills of the hands.
- Physical Endurance: Able to work an 8-hour shift without compromising performance.
- I know how to improvise and do not get lost in critical situations.
- I quickly smooth out conflicts without losing clientele.
- I am constantly improving, studying the cuisines of other nations, which allows me to create new dishes.
- Smell and taste memory.
- With an innate sense of timekeeping, I determine the duration of the stage without a clock.
- I like to improvise, to use unexpected ingredients.
- Honesty – I consider it unacceptable to make money by deceiving a client.
Negative qualities are added only if the employer requires them. Then it would help if you turned your shortcomings into virtues. For example: “Meticulous, but it helps me prepare food with perfect taste.”
To Wrap it Up: Common mistakes when writing a resume
Currently, on some job sites on the web, you can find ready-made resume templates that are pretty simple to fill out. Moreover, experienced HR professionals know how to distinguish between a self-composed resume. The author works, thinking over and drawing a resume under dictation.
In addition, it is essential to avoid the following mistakes when based on prep cook resume examples over there:
- inconsistency of the applicant’s biography, education, experience
- too short resume summary – it is not purified if the author has to say nothing about personality or if he is really a “gray mouse”;
- drawing frequent jobs’ changes with no explanation of reasons;
- have no indications for constant professional growth;
- availability many different training courses and seminars;
So, an application-specific resume is your assistant in a wanted job, so it recommends developing your skills and know-how to write a resume constantly. However, an overview is only a document. It will not replace the richness of your personality, which means that you need to learn how to present yourself during interviews and interviews effectively.